Drawing from photos: Use technology to get unstuck

Every now and then, when I’m drawing from a photograph, I lose my way. I’ll notice something is off about my sketch and it doesn’t quite represent the image I’m working from. If I’m worn out, my eyes aren’t always able to catch what needs to be corrected. On nights like tonight, when I’m not willing to strain any longer, darting my eyes back and forth incessantly, I rest into help from technology.
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Sketching pets: Seeing clearly and combining multiple angles

Hi everyone,

This is a recent drawing I did of our family dog, Pongo. I was super lucky he sat still for as long as he did. For the most part, he was staring right into my eyes. He did get antsy after a while so we took a play break. He was very cooperative and went right back to his modeling spot. I had a lot of fun sketching him. It was a beautiful experience to take in all these neat details and features I hadn’t noticed before Continue reading